What day(s) of the week will practices and games be? And where?
For 2025, most of our floor time will be on Sundays at the Energy Centre (Imperial and Reid FH). We have a few weekday slots as well. Schedules will be released once registration is closed.
Floor time will be predominantly for games with possibly a practice or two once teams are decided. You can also check the Important Dates menu for some more information.
What will be the volunteer requirements?
Divisions will need Directors, Teams will need Managers and Coaches. Each Team will also need 2 volunteers for each game for clock, timesheet, penalty boxes. More details to follow.
What is the game format?
All games have a floor time of 1 hour, which includes a warmup and two halves of 22 minutes with a break in between.
U7 and U9 will be 1/2 rink.
U11-U18 will be full rink